May 28, 20196 min readWhy Poles need to be taught about Poland and the ShoahIn March 2019, thousands of Polish nationalists marched on the United States embassy in Warsaw, to protest U.S. pressure on Poland to...
May 7, 201912 min readPresident Abbas, Palestine and Fundamentalism in a world of uncertainty and Insecurity I e accurately, Near-Eastern) peace even possible? Neo-Ottoman Turkey has a leadership that is revanchist and desires regional dominance....
Apr 28, 20197 min read“Backward” Israelis and “Enlightened” Leftists? I once asked if the Oslo accords were a rational attempt to make peace, while Israel still enjoyed a diplomatic and military advantage...
Mar 27, 201910 min readGandhi’s Grandson has a twisted message for IsraelThere are at least three fundamental errors in Arun Gandhi’s interpretation of the Israel – Palestine and historical Muslim – Jewish...
Mar 4, 20194 min readAppeasement and the Failure of International InstitutionsI read that Islamic State babe Shamima Begum does not understand “why my case is any different to others.” She asks if it is because she...
Feb 19, 20195 min readIslamic State Bride is Unrepentant Bigot, Wants to Come Home“Jihadi bride wants baby on NHS” was the front-page headline in Metro, the free London, England newspaper on February 15, 2019. It refers...
Feb 10, 20195 min readHow the Assault on Jews and Israel is JustifiedWe are under assault by people for whom morality and history are just semantic terms to be discarded or changed to suit their purpose....
Feb 3, 20196 min readBirthright and the Assault on Jewish HistoryTaglit-Birthright, or simply “Birthright” was started in 1999. It has brought more than 600,000 people from 67 countries to Israel, with...
Jan 2, 201911 min readIntersectionality, Impartiality and PropagandaFox news is part of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation media empire. It is also part of the central battlefield for global control of...
Dec 16, 20186 min readNew York Times columnist defends anti-Zionism because we Israelis just don’t listen to ‘Reason’I read that New York Times columnist, Michelle Goldberg, wrote an article defending anti-Zionism and stating that in most cases it is not...
Dec 12, 20186 min readChaos and Entropy. The Decline of Western CivilizationThe Second Coming Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot...
Aug 30, 20188 min readThere is no Truth, Only the Narrative: The Thoughts of Chairman CorbynA few thoughts: There is no truth, only the narrative. The only civilians are those people fighting for the right cause. Therefore, any...
Jul 18, 20185 min readPrejudice, Education & the Disintegration of Social CohesionOr How the Kibbutz Movement Died. In the early years of the kibbutz movement, self-sacrifice and hard work were synonymous with group...
Jul 9, 20187 min readChinese Trade and Lessons for us from the Opium WarsSpeculation about BREXIT keeps many narcissistic journalists ungainfully employed. There is an inexhaustible amount of conjecture, while...
May 7, 20188 min readIf I forget thee O JerusalemSo Jerusalem is now formally the Capital of Israel, at least according to Israel and the United States of America. It could have happened...