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Israel must have a new political system

Fascism isn’t just a disease of the 20th Century. Fascism is a disease of the 21st Century too. And it has overtaken many nations in some...

Social Media, the Media, and the Poison they spread

An Australian Facebook friend (since 2010) with whom I went to school posted a U-tube clip from someone claiming to have family who died...

Israel has a Foreign Perception Problem

Some may think that none of what Israel says or does in its defence matters and that therefore there is little or no reason to pursue...

Decolonisation, Lies and a Tale of Western Deceit

(Jews are victims of the West’s Post-Colonial Ignorance and Postmodern Political Bigotry) Immediately following the events of 10/7,...


Everyone in Israel, and many in the Diaspora have what they believe to be the obvious solution to the political maelstrom created by the...

The Linguistic War Against The Jews

The Old Palestinians (Jews) have been replaced by the New Palestinians (Muslims).

A Crisis of Morality and Jewish Decline.

The Press, Universities and NGOs are the triad that represent any issue in society through a prism of acceptable cause, and while social...

Why Israel needs Separation of Synagogue and State

SEPHARDI CHIEF RABBI Yitzhak Yosef speaks at a Shas Party election rally at the Yazdim Synagogue in Jerusalem last year. (photo credit:...

White Privilege and Black Lives - White Privilege

I will never, say, that I understand what someone of colour experiences. Similarly, only a muppet will make my “white privilege” crucial...

White Privilege and Black Lives

Black Lives Black Lives Matter or BLM for short, has created a huge amount of discussion around so much that impacts our everyday lives:...

The Internet as Agent of Chaos and Entropy (Part 2)

In “The Internet as Agent of Chaos and Entropy (Part 1) I discussed the web and how it is constructed. I referred to the internet as the...

The Internet as Agent of Chaos & Entropy (Part 1)

There are two parts to the internet – The Surface Web which is accessed via the internet and without necessitating registration – it is...

Anti-Zionism and the new Blackshirts

On the 2nd of March 2020 I attended a lecture given by an apparently well-known media pundit and university lecturer at SOAS. The title...

Poland and the European Integration Mess

Whenever I have written about Eastern Europe, the article has provoked a venomous response from Eastern European readers and their...

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